Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha coâng boá danh saùch 21 Taân Hoàng Y

seõ ñöôïc taán phong vaøo ngaøy 27 thaùng 8 naêm 2022


Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha coâng boá danh saùch 21 Taân Hoàng Y seõ ñöôïc taán phong vaøo ngaøy 27 thaùng 8 naêm 2022.

Mary Traàn Vy

Vatican (VTW 29-05-2022) - Tröa Chuùa nhaät 29 thaùng Naêm naêm 2022, Ñaïi leã Chuùa Leân Trôøi, Ñöùc Thaùnh cha Phanxicoâ ñaõ chuû söï buoåi ñoïc kinh Laïy Nöõ Vöông Thieân ñaøng vôùi hôn 15,000 tín höõu, taïi Quaûng tröôøng thaùnh Pheâroâ. Cuoái buoåi tieáp kieán, Ñöùc Thaùnh cha loan baùo seõ nhoùm coâng nghò, ngaøy 27 thaùng Taùm naêm 2022 ñeå taán phong hai möôi moát taân hoàng y, trong ñoù coù 8 vò taân Hoàng y töø AÂu Chaâu, 6 vò töø AÙ Chaâu, 2 vò töø Phi Chaâu, 1 vò Töø Baéc Myõ Chaâu, vaø 4 vò töø Trung Myõ Chaâu vaø Myõ Chaâu Latinh. Trong 21 vò Taân Hoàng Y cuõng coù nhöõng vò hoàng y ñaõ quaù 80 tuoåi. Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha coâng boá: Thöù Hai vaø thöù Ba, ngaøy 29 vaø 30 thaùng 08 naêm 2022, taát caû caùc Hoàng Y seõ quy tuï ñeå suy tö veà Toâng Hieán môùi Praedicate evangelium. Vaø thöù Baûy 27 thaùng 08 naêm 2022, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha seõ chuû söï Coâng nghò taán phong caùc Taân Hoàng Y. Vaø ñaây laø teân cuûa caùc Taân Hoàng Y:

1. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Arthur Roche - Toång tröôûng Boä Phuïng töï vaø Kyû luaät Bí tích

2. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Lazzaro You Heung sik - Toång tröôûng Boä Giaùo só

3. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Fernando Veùrgez Alzaga L.C. - Chuû tòch Uyû ban Giaùo hoaøng veà Quoác gia thaønh Vatican vaø Chuû tòch Phuû Thoáng Ñoác Quoác gia thaønh Vatican

Tieáp ñeán laø caùc vò Toång Giaùm Muïc vaø Giaùm Muïc taïi caùc nöôùc:

4. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Jean-Marc Aveline - Toång Giaùm Muïc Marseille (Phaùp).

5. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Peter Okpaleke - Giaùm Muïc Ekwulobia (Nigeria).

6. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, O.F.M. - Toång Giaùm Muïc Manaus (Brasil).

7. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Filipe Neri Antoùnio Sebastiaõo di Rosaùrio Ferraõo - Toång Giaùm Muïc Goa vaø Damaõo (India).

8. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Robert Walter McElroy - Giaùm Muïc San Diego (Hoa Kyø)

9. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva, S.D.B. - Toång Giaùm Muïc Dili (Ñoâng Timor).

10. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Oscar Cantoni - Giaùm muïc Como (Italy).

11. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Anthony Poola - Toång Giaùm Muïc Hyderabad (India).

12. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Paulo Cezar Costa - Toång Giaùm Muïc Brasília (Brasil).

13. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Richard Kuuia Baawobr M. Afr - Giaùm Muïc Wa (Ghana).

14. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc William Goh Seng Chye - Toång Giaùm Muïc Singapore (Singapore).

15. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Adalberto Martínez Flores - Toång Giaùm Muïc Asuncioùn (Paraguay).

16. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Giorgio Marengo, I.M.C. - Giaùm Quaûn Toâng Toaø Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia).

Vaø caùc vò treân 80 tuoåi seõ gia nhaäp thaønh vieân cuûa Hoàng Y Ñoaøn:

17. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Jorge Enrique Jimeùnez Carvajal - nguyeân Toång Giaùm Muïc Cartagena (Colombia).

18. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Lucas Van Looy, SDB - nguyeân Toång Giaùm Muïc Gent (Bæ).

19. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Arrigo Miglio - nguyeân Toång Giaùm Muïc Cagliari (Italy).

20. Cha Gianfranco Ghirlanda sj. - Giaùo Sö thaàn hoïc

21. Ñöùc OÂng Fortunato Frezza - Kinh Só Ñeàn Thôø Thaùnh Pheâroâ.

Cho ñeán nay toång soá caùc vò Hoàng y laø 208 vò, trong ñoù coù 117 vò laø Hoàng Y cöû tri döôùi 80 tuoåi, vaø 91 vò treân 80 tuoåi. Tôùi ngaøy 27 thaùng 8 naêm 2022, vôùi vieäc boå nhieäm treân ñaây, toång soá thaønh vieân Hoàng y ñoaøn taêng leân 229 vò, trong ñoù coù 131 hoàng y cöû tri döôùi 80 tuoåi vaø 98 vò treân 80 tuoåi.

Sau khi coâng boá danh saùch caùc Taân Hoàng Y, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha môøi goïi caùc tín höõu: "Chuùng ta caàu nguyeän cho caùc Taân Hoàng Y, ñeå nhôø gaén boù vôùi Chuùa Gieâsu Kitoâ, caùc vò seõ giuùp toâi trong söù vuï Giaùm muïc Roâma vì lôïi ích cuûa taát caû Daân thaùnh cuûa Thieân Chuùa."


Pope announces 21 new Cardinals from around the world.

Pope Francis announces that he will create 21 new Cardinals at a Consistory on Saturday, 27 August. They represent the Church worldwide, and reflect a wide variety of cultures, contexts and pastoral ministries.

By Vatican News staff writer

At the conclusion of the Regina Coeli on Sunday, Pope Francis said that on Saturday, 27 August, he will hold a Consistory for the creation of new cardinals.

He also said that he will meet during the next two days - on Monday and Tuesday, 29-30 August - with all the cardinals to reflect on the new Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium.

"On Saturday, 27 August, I will hold a Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals. Let us pray that they will help me in my mission as Bishop of Rome for the good of all God's people."

The College of Cardinals currently consists of 208 Cardinals, of whom 117 are electors and 91 non-electors. As of 27 August, the number will grow to 229 Cardinals, of whom 131 will be electors.

Wide-ranging group

Eight of the newly named Cardinals are from Europe, six from Asia, two from Africa, one from North America, and four from Central and Latin America.

Here are the names of all 21 new cardinals:

1. Archbishop Arthur Roche - Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

2. Archbishop Lazzaro You Heung sik - Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

3. Archbishop Fernando Veùrgez Alzaga, L.C. - President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and President of the Governorate for Vatican City State

4. Archbishop Jean-Marc Aveline - Metropolitan Archbishop of Marseille (France)

5. Bishop Peter Okpaleke - Bishop of Ekwulobia (Nigeria)

6. Archbishop Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, O.F.M. - Metropolitan Archbishop of Manaus (Brazil)

7. Archbishop Filipe Neri Antoùnio Sebastiaõo di Rosaùrio Ferraõo - Archbishop of Goa and Damaõo (India)

8. Bishop Robert Walter McElroy - Bishop of San Diego (U.S.A)

9. Archbishop Virgilio Do Carmo Da Silva, S.D.B. - Archbishop of Dili (East Timor)

10. Bishop Oscar Cantoni - Bishop of Como (Italy)

11. Archbishop Anthony Poola - Archbishop di Hyderabad (India).

12. Archbishop Paulo Cezar Costa - Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil)

13. Bishop Richard Kuuia Baawobr, M. Africa - Bishop of Wa (Ghana)

14. Archbishop William Goh Seng Chye - Archbishop of Singapore (Singapore)

15. Archbishop Adalberto Martínez Flores - Metropolitan Archbishop of Asuncioùn (Paraguay)

16. Archbishop Giorgio Marengo, I.M.C. - Apostolic Prefect of Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

17. Archbishop Jorge Enrique Jimeùnez Carvajal - Archbishop Emeritus of Cartagena (Colombia)

18. Bishop Lucas Van Looy, S.D.B. - Bishop Emeritus of Gent (Belgium)

19. Archbishop Arrigo Miglio - Archbishop Emeritus of Cagliari (Italy)

20. Fr. Gianfranco Ghirlanda, S.J. - Professor di Theology

21. Msgr. Fortunato Frezza - Canon of Saint Peter's Basilica


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