Thö Caûm Ôn cuûa Cha Giaùm Tænh Doøng Ña Minh

veà bieán coá cuûa Cha Giuse Traàn Ngoïc Thanh, OP.


Thö Caûm Ôn cuûa Cha Giaùm Tænh Doøng Ña Minh veà bieán coá cuûa Cha Giuse Traàn Ngoïc Thanh, OP.

Baûn dòch cuûa Duc Trung Vu, CSsR

Saøigoøn (VTW 2-02-2022) - Sau caùi cheát khuûng khieáp cuûa linh muïc Giuse Traàn Ngoïc Thanh, OP. moät ngöôøi anh em raát ñaùng meán cuûa Doøng Ña Minh, moät con ngöôøi ñaõ daâng hieán cuoäc ñôøi cuûa mình cho Thieân Chuùa nôi Toøa giaûi toäi vaøo buoåi toái Thöù Baûy 29 thaùng 1 naêm 2022. Linh muïc Toâ-ma Nguyeãn Tröôøng Tam, OP, Giaùm Tænh Doøng Ña Minh ñaõ vieát thö göûi Cha Gerard F.Timoner, O.P, Beà treân Toång quyeàn, nhö sau:


Saøigoøn, ngaøy 2 thaùng 2 naêm 2022,

Kính göûi: Cha Gerard F.Timoner, O.P, Beà treân Toång quyeàn

Quí cha Giaùm tænh vaø Giaùm Phuï tænh.

Quí anh chò em trong gia ñình Doøng Ña Minh


Thö Caûm Ôn

Töø caùc tu só Doøng Ña minh Tænh Doøng Nöõ Vöông caùc Thaùnh Töû Ñaïo Vieät Nam sau caùi cheát bi thaûm cuûa Linh muïc Giuse Traàn Ngoïc Thanh, OP.

"Phuùc cho ai ñang than khoùc, vì hoï seõ ñöôïc uûi an" (Maùttheâu 5:4)


Quaû laø moät tin soác vaø ñaày choaùng vaùng khi chuùng ta nhaän ñöôïc tin töùc veà caùi cheát khuûng khieáp cuûa ngöôøi anh em raát ñaùng meán laø Cha Giu-se Traàn Ngoïc Thanh, OP, moät con ngöôøi ñaõ daâng hieán cuoäc ñôøi cuûa mình cho Thieân Chuùa nôi Toøa giaûi toäi vaøo buoåi toái Thöù 7 vöøa qua. Ngay caû luùc naøy ñaây, toâi cuõng caûm thaáy raát khoù khaên ñeå keå laïi cho anh chò em veà nhöõng chuyeän ñaõ xaûy ra vôùi chuùng toâi. Chuùng ta môùi maát ñi moät ngöôøi anh em raát ñoãi thaùnh thieän vaø toát laønh. Chuùng ta thaáy voâ cuøng ñau xoùt tröôùc söï ra ñi cuûa ngöôøi anh em naøy.

Trong söï maát maùt bi thaûm naøy, tuy nhieân, chuùng toâi cuõng ñoùn nhaän ñöôïc söï hieäp thoâng, lieân ñôùi vaø tình baèng höõu töø caùc thaønh vieân cuûa toaøn theå gia ñình Doøng Ña Minh. Chuùng toâi nhaän ñöôïc raát nhieàu email vaø tin nhaén baøy toû söï ñoàng caûm saâu saéc vaø ñoaøn keát töø cha Toång quyeàn Gerard Francesco Timoner OP, cha Bruno Cadore OP, cöïu Toång Quyeàn vaø töø caùc cha Giaùm tænh vaø Giaùm phuï tænh, caùc anh chò em töø raát nhieàu tænh doøng vaø coäng ñoaøn Ña minh ôû khaép nôi treân theá giôùi.

Thay lôøi cho taát caû caùc tu só cuûa Tænh Doøng Ña minh Vieät Nam, toâi xin ñöôïc baøy toû loøng bieát ôn chaân thaønh tôùi quí vò. Söï uûng hoä cuûa quí vò taïi thôøi ñieåm khoù khaên naøy raát coù yù nghóa vaø laø söï an uûi lôùn lao cho caùc tu só cuûa Tænh Doøng chuùng toâi vaø cho caû gia ñình thaân quyeán cuûa cha Giu-se Thanh. Söï phaân öu, chia buoàn vaø lôøi caàu nguyeän cuûa quí vò khieán chuùng toâi raát caûm ñoäng trong giai ñoaïn ñau ñôùn naøy, vöïc daäy taâm hoàn chuùng toâi vaø boå söùc cho chuùng toâi veà nieàm tin vaøo söï hieäp thoâng vaø tình baèng höõu trong gia ñình Doøng Ña Minh. Moïi lôøi noùi seõ laø khoâng ñuû ñeå baøy toû loøng bieát ôn cuûa chuùng toâi tôùi quí vò vì nhöõng lôøi caàu nguyeän vaø uûng hoä quí baùu aáy.

Cuõng nhaân ñaây, chuùng toâi cuõng muoán baøy toû loøng bieát ôn chaân thaønh tôùi caùc haõng thoâng taán baùo chí vaø Radio Coâng giaùo ñaõ loan tin vaø lieân keát moïi ngöôøi laïi ñeå caàu nguyeän cho ngöôøi anh em quaù coá cuûa chuùng toâi. Ñieàu naøy khieán traùi tim cuûa chuùng toâi bôùt phaàn tróu naëng khi ñöôïc vaây quanh bôûi tình thöông aám aùp vaø voâ ñieàu kieän cuûa quí vò. Söï caûm thoâng, nhöõng suy nghó, vaø lôøi caàu nguyeän cuûa quí vò chaéc chaén moät caùch naøo ñoù ñaõ giuùp ñôõ chuùng toâi vaø gia ñình cuûa cha Giu-se Thanh vöôït qua noãi maát maùt lôùn lao naøy.

Vôùi nieàm xaùc tín raèng "maùu cuûa caùc thaùnh töû ñaïo laø haït gioáng troå sinh Giaùo Hoäi" (Tertullian), chuùng toâi hi voïng raèng nhöõng gioït maùu ñaøo cuûa cha Giu-se Thanh khoâng laøm chuùng ta khieáp ñaûm nhöng cuûng coá vaø khích leä chuùng ta hôn nöõa ñeå taän hieán cuoäc ñôøi cuûa mình ñeå loan truyeàn Lôøi Chuùa vaø ñeå phuïc vuï anh chò em nôi caùc giaùo ñieåm truyeàn giaùo.

Ngöôøi anh em Giu-se Thanh ñaõ qua ñôøi khi ñang cöû haønh bí tích Hoøa giaûi, bí tích cuûa Loøng Thöông Xoùt cuûa Thieân Chuùa. Vì theá maø, chuùng toâi tín thaùc giao phoù linh hoàn cha cho loøng thöông xoùt cuûa Thieân Chuùa vaø lôøi caàu nguyeän cuûa anh chò em. Nguyeän xin Thieân Chuùa cuûa söï bình an ban bình an cuûa ngaøi cho taát caû chuùng ta ôû moïi luùc vaø theo moïi caùch. (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

Hieäp thoâng trong tình baèng höõu cuûa con caùi thaùnh Ña minh

Linh muïc Toâ-ma Nguyeãn Tröôøng Tam, OP

Giaùm Tænh

- - - - - - - - -

To: Rev. Fr. Gerard F. Timoner, O.P., Master of the Order

Prior Provincials and Vice-Provincials

Brothers and Sisters in the Dominican Family



From the friars of the Province of Queen of Martyrs, Viet Nam


After the tragic death of our beloved fr. Joseph Tran Ngoc Thanh, O.P.,

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4)

Dear brothers and sisters,

It was shocking and stunning to learn of the horrific death of our beloved Brother Joseph Tran Ngoc Thanh, O.P,, who selfishlessly gave his life to the Lord at his confessional last Saturday night. Even now, it is hard for me to tell you what we have gone through. We have just lost a very nice and holy brother and we did mourn and grieve over his passing away.

In the midst of the tragic loss, however, we gain back the communion, solidarity, and fraternity from members of the whole Dominican Family. We received many mails and messages showing heartfelt sympathy and solidarity from the Master of the Order, fr. Gerard Francesco Timoner, O.P., the former Master of the Order, fr. Bruno Cadoreù, O.P., Prior Provincials and Vice-Provincials, Brothers and Sisters from many Dominican provinces and communities all over the world.

On behalf of all friars of the Dominican Province of Vietnam, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to you all. Your support at this difficult time was very much appreciated and of great comfort to both our friars and brother Joseph's family. Your condolences and prayers reached our hearts in a moment of grief, lifted us up, and enforced our belief of communion and fraternity in the Dominican Family. Words are not enough to show our thanks to you all for your prayers and precious supports.

We also take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to directors of Catholic Radios and Presses who shared the news and brought people together to pray for our departed Brother. It makes our hearts lighter to be surrounded by such a warm and unconditional love. Your sympathy, thoughts, and prayers surely somehow helped us and the family of brother Joseph overcome this great loss.

With the belief that "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church" (Tertullian), we hope fr. Joseph Thanh's blood shall not frighten us but strengthen us instead to devote our life to preach the Word of God and to serve our brothers and sisters in our mission sites.

Our Brother Joseph died while celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation, the sacrament of God's mercy. So, we entrust him to the mercy of God and to your prayers. May the Lord of peace himself give all of us peace at all times and in every way. (2 Thessalonians 3:16).

Fraternally yours in St. Dominic,

Fr. Thomas Nguyen Truong Tam, O.P.

Prior Provincial


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