Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha coâng boá danh saùch 13 Taân Hoàng Y

seõ ñöôïc taán phong ngaøy 5 thaùng 10 naêm 2019


Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha coâng boá danh saùch 13 Taân Hoàng Y seõ ñöôïc taán phong ngaøy 5 thaùng 10 naêm 2019.

Ñaëng Töï Do

Vatican (VietCatholic News 01-09-2019) - Sau khi ñoïc Kinh Truyeàn Tin taïi Quaûng tröôøng Thaùnh Pheâroâ, vaøo ngaøy Chuùa Nhaät 1 thaùng Chín naêm 2019, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Phanxicoâ ñaõ tuyeân boá moät Coâng Nghò taán phong Hoàng Y seõ ñöôïc toå chöùc vaøo ngaøy 5 thaùng 10 naêm 2019. Khi coâng boá danh saùch 10 vò Taân Hoàng Y, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha noùi raèng xuaát xöù cuûa caùc Taân Hoàng Y theå hieän ôn goïi truyeàn giaùo cuûa Giaùo hoäi laø tieáp tuïc loan baùo tình yeâu thöông xoùt cuûa Thieân Chuùa cho moïi ngöôøi treân traùi ñaát.

Danh saùch caùc Taân Hoàng Y ñöôïc taán phong kyø naøy:

1. Ñöùc Cha Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, mccj - Chuû tòch Hoäi ñoàng Giaùo hoaøng veà Ñoái thoaïi Lieân toân.

2. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Jose Tolentino Medonca - Thuû thö cuûa Hoäi Thaùnh Coâng Giaùo.

3. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo - Toång Giaùm muïc Jakarta

4. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez - Toång Giaùm muïc San Cristoùbal, Havana, Cuba.

5. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, o.f.m. cap - Toång giaùm muïc Kinshasa

6. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Jean-Claude Hollerich, sj - Toång Giaùm muïc cuûa Luxembourg

7. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Alvaro L. Ramazzini Imeri - Giaùm muïc di Huehuetenamgo

8. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Matteo Zuppi - Toång Giaùm muïc Bologna.

9. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Cristoùbal Loùpez Romero, sdb - Toång Giaùm muïc Rabat

10. Cha Michael Czerny, sj - Phoù Toång Thö Kyù Phaân boä Ngöôøi di cö vaø tò naïn cuûa Boä Phuïc vuï Phaùt trieån nhaân baûn


Cuøng vôùi caùc vò Taân Hoàng Y ñang taïi chöùc naøy, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha cuõng taán phong Hoàng Y cho hai Toång giaùm muïc vaø moät Giaùm muïc veà höu ñaõ phuïc vuï Giaùo hoäi moät caùch noåi baät:


1. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Michael Louis Fitzgerald - Toång Giaùm muïc Hieäu Toøa cuûa Nepte

2. Ñöùc Toång Giaùm Muïc Sigitas Tamkevicius, sj - Toång Giaùm muïc Hieäu Toøa cuûa Kaunas

3. Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Eugenio Dal Corso, psdp - Giaùm muïc Hieäu Toøa cuûa Benguela


Nhaân dòp naøy, Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha ñaõ keâu goïi caùc tín höõu haõy caàu nguyeän cho caùc vò Taân Hoàng Y. Ngaøi noùi:

"Chuùng ta haõy caàu nguyeän cho caùc Taân Hoàng Y ñeå khi cuûng coá söï gaén boù cuûa caùc ngaøi vôùi Chuùa Kitoâ, hoï coù theå giuùp ñôõ toâi trong söù vuï Giaùm muïc Roâma vì lôïi ích cuûa taát caû caùc tín höõu Daân Thaùnh cuûa Thieân Chuùa."


Pope announces 13 new Cardinals for the missionary Church

Vatican (Vatican News 1-09-2019) - At the Angelus Pope Francis reads the names of those prelates who will receive the red hat on October 5th, the vigil of the Amazon Synod.

After reciting the Angelus in St Peter's Square on Sunday, Pope Francis announced a consistory to be held on 5 October for the nomination of 10 new Cardinals. He said that the places where these new Cardinals come from express the missionary vocation of the Church as she continues to announce the merciful love of God to every person on earth.

The names of the new Cardinals are:

1. Bishop Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, mccj - President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

2. Archbishop Joseù Tolentino Medonca - Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church

3. Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo - Archbishop of Jakarta

4. Archbishop Juan de la Caridad García Rodríguez - Archbishop de San Cristoùbal of Havana

5. Archbishop Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, o.f.m. cap - Archbishop of Kinshasa

6. Archbishop Jean-Claude Hollerich, sj - Archbishop of Luxembourg

7. Bishop Alvaro L. Ramazzini Imeri - Bishop di Huehuetenamgo

8. Archbishop Matteo Zuppi - Archbishop of Bologna.

9. Archbishop Cristoùbal Loùpez Romero, sdb - Archbishop of Rabat

10. Father Michael Czerny, sj - Undersecretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Development

Along with these new Cardinals, the Pope is adding two Archbishops and a Bishop who have served the Church in a distinguished way:

1. Archbishop Michael Louis Fitzgerald - Archbishop Emeritus of Nepte

2. Archbishop Sigitas Tamkevicius, sj - Archbishop Emeritus of Kaunas

3. Bishop Eugenio Dal Corso, psdp - Bishop Emeritus of Benguela

Let us pray for the new Cardinals so that, confirming their adhesion to Christ, they might help in my ministry as Bishop of Rome for the good of all the faithful Holy People of God.


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