Caâu chuyeän caäu beù hoïc baøi döôùi aùnh ñeøn ñöôøng

ñöôïc phaùt taùn roäng raõi vaø moät tæ phuù ñaõ chuù yù tôùi


Caâu chuyeän caäu beù hoïc baøi döôùi aùnh ñeøn ñöôøng ñöôïc phaùt taùn roäng raõi vaø moät tæ phuù ñaõ chuù yù tôùi.

Giuse Thaåm Nguyeãn

Caâu chuyeän caäu beù hoïc baøi döôùi aùnh ñeøn ñöôøng ñöôïc phaùt taùn roäng raõi vaø moät tæ phuù ñaõ chuù yù tôùi.

Moche (VietCatholic News 19-06-2019) - Truyeän thaàn thoaïi thôøi ñaïi môùi truyeàn caûm höùng cho nieàm hy voïng.

Caâu truyeän nghe coù veû gioáng moät truyeän thaàn thoaïi hay laø tieåu thuyeát hö caáu cuûa Charles Dickens, nhöng noù laïi laø moät truyeän coù thaät.

Truyeän baét ñaàu khi Victor Martin Angulo Cordova, moät beù trai 11 tuoåi ôû tænh Moche, nöôùc Peru ñaõ laøm cho caùc nhaân vieân theo doõi an ninh qua maùy chuïp hình cuûa thaønh phoá chuù yù. Ñoù laø caûnh moät hoïc sinh lôùp saùu ñang ngoài vaø naèm döôùi aùnh ñeøn ñöôøng ñeå hoïc baøi.

Chaúng bao laâu nhöõng hình aûnh naøy ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa leân caùc trang tin töùc vaø phöông tieän truyeàn thoâng xaõ hoäi. Theo trang maïng Perfil thì gia ñình cuûa Victor khoâng coù ñieän, nhöng em quyeát taâm theo ñuoåi vieäc hoïc ñeå sau naøy trôû thaønh moät caûnh saùt vieân choáng laïi "tham nhuõng, troäm caép vaø ma tuùy."

Cuõng theo Perfil, coù hai lyù do khieán gia ñình em khoâng coù ñieän: khoâng ñuû tieàn ñeå traû hoùa ñôn ñieän vaø quan troïng hôn nöõa, laø vì hoï khoâng coù giaáy tôø hôïp phaùp chöùng minh hoï laø chuû caên nhaø, ñieàu kieän caàn thieát ñeå kyù hôïp ñoàng laép ñaët ñieän.

Ngöôøi ñaàu tieân ñeán giuùp em laø thò tröôûng thaønh phoá, oâng Arturo Fernandez Bazan, ñaõ mang cho Victor moät thuøng goàm nhöõng thöù caàn duøng cho vieäc hoïc vaø giuùp gia ñình em laøm giaáy tôø chuû quyeàn nhaø ñeå coù theå laép ñaët ñieän.

Vieäc giuùp ñôõ naøy khoâng thoâi ñaõ laø moät böôùc tieán khaù laém roài, nhöng theá môùi chæ laø khôûi ñaàu. Sau naøy coù oâng Yaqoob Yusuf Ahmed Mubarack vaøo cuoäc. Laø moät tæ phuù 31 tuoåi, chuyeân nhaäp khaåu soâ-coâ-la töø Bahrain. OÂng Mubarck ñaõ coù moät thôøi thô aáu khoâng phaûi laø thieáu tieàn, nhöng laø thieáu tình caûm. Theo trang tin töùc Clarin, oâng Mubarak ñaõ chöùng kieán nhieàu caùc baïn thôøi thô aáu cuûa mình bò cheát vì ma tuùy vaø toäi aùc vaø oâng ñaõ bò beänh traàm caûm.

Quaù khöù ñau thöông cuûa Mubarak ñaõ ban taëng cho oâng söï caûm thoâng vaø öôùc muoán giuùp ñôõ nhöõng ngöôøi khaùc, vì theá söï quyeát taâm hoïc haønh vaø coù traùch nhieäm giöõa caûnh ngheøo khoù cuûa Victor ñaõ laøm oâng ñoäng loøng. Trong moät cuoäc phoûng vaán, oâng noùi raèng neáu ôû trong moät hoaøn caûnh töông töï, oâng coù leõ seõ khoâng bao giôø coù ñoäng löïc nhö theá ñeå hoïc. Vì vaäy, Mubarack ñaõ laøm moät haønh trình töø ñaûo quoác nhoû beù cuûa oâng (moät phaàn tö dieän tích cuûa Rhode Island) ôû Vònh Ba Tö ñeán tænh Moche, nöôùc Peru ñeå gaëp caäu beù.

Caûm ñoäng vôùi caûnh ngheøo maø caäu beù vaø caùc baïn cuûa em ñang soáng vaø hoïc taäp, Mubarack quyeát ñònh xaây laïi caên nhaø nhoû beù cuûa gia ñình Victor baèng moät caên nhaø hai taàng, giuùp meï cuûa Victor baét ñaàu kinh doanh nhoû vaø cho caäu beù 2,000 dollars (ñöa cho meï giöõ). Victor cho bieát raèng em coù nhieàu baïn cuøng lôùp cuõng coù hoaøn caûnh töông töï, neân Mubarck höùa seõ taân trang laïi vaø môû roäng ngoâi tröôøng Victor ñang hoïc, theâm vaøo nhöõng thöù khaùc, laø moät phoøng maùy tính hieän ñaïi. Mubarak chæ mong moät ñieàu kieän ñeàn ñaùp laïi laø Victor tieáp tuïc laø moät ngöôøi khieâm nhöôøng, moät ngöôøi coù yù chí phi thöôøng, nhaát laø yeâu meï vaø chaêm chæ hoïc haønh.

Ñöôïc bieát laø Mubarck hieän ñang gaëp khoù khaên trong vieäc giuùp taëng cho nhaø tröôøng vì nhöõng trôû ngaïi giaáy tôø veà phía chính quyeàn Peru. Chuùng ta hy voïng laø moïi trôû ngaïi coù theå vöôït qua ñeå caâu truyeän thaàn thoaïi naøy coù theå hoaøn toaøn trôû thaønh hieän thöïc.

(Source: <="">Boy doing his homework under a streetlight goes viral, and a millionaire takes notice)

Boy doing his homework under a streetlight goes viral, and a millionaire takes notice

This modern fairytale inspires hope.

It sounds like a fairytale or maybe the plot of a Charles Dickens novel - but it's a true story.

It began when Víctor Martín Angulo Coùrdova, an 11-year-old boy from Moche, Peruù, caught the attention of the officers monitoring the city's security cameras. A street camera captured video of the sixth grader sitting and lying down in the road under a streetlamp doing his homework.

Soon the images and the backstory went public on news outlets and social media. As reported on the Perfil website, Víctor's family didn't have electricity, but the boy was determined to get an education so he could grow up to be a police officer to "fight corruption, thieves, and drugs."

According to Perfil, the reason the family didn't have electricity was twofold: a lack of money to pay the bills, and more importantly, the fact that they didn't have documentation to prove the ownership of their home, which was needed for the contract to install electricity.

The first person to come to the rescue was the mayor of the town, Arturo Fernaùndez Bazaùn, who brought Víctor a package of school supplies and helped the family get the paperwork done so they could acquire the deed to their property and get electricity installed.

That in itself was a big step forward, but only the first. It was then that Yaqoob Yusuf Ahmed Mubarak entered the scene. He's a 31-year-old millionaire importer and chocolatier from Bahrain, who during his childhood wasn't lacking money, but affection. According to the Clarín news site, Mubarak saw some of his childhood friends die from drugs and crime in his youth and he suffered from depression.

Mubarak's painful background gifted him with empathy and a desire to help others, so Víctor's determination to study and be responsible in the midst of poverty moved his heart. In an interview, he says that under the same conditions, he never would have had the motivation to study. So, Mubarak traveled from his small island country (a quarter of the size of Rhode Island) in the Persian Gulf to Moche, Peru, to meet the boy in person.

Photos of the encounter show the Bahraini businessman hugging Víctor, posing with his family, and lying on the ground reading books with him, apparently imitating Victor's position when he was caught by the security cameras studying by streetlight.

Mubarak was struck by the poverty in which the boy and his peers lived and studied. He decided to rebuild Víctor's family's humble dwelling as a two-story home, help Víctor's mother start a small business, and give $2,000 to the boy (in his mother's care). Víctor pointed out that he has many classmates who are in a similar situation, so Mubarak also pledged to remodel and expand the school Víctor attends, adding, among other things, a modern computer lab. The only thing Mubarak is asking in return: that Víctor continue to be a humble, extraordinary person who loves his mother and works hard at his education.

Reportedly, Mubarak is having some difficulty making the donation to the school, due to bureaucratic obstacles on the part of the Peruvian government. Let's hope that the obstacles can be overcome so this fairytale can fully come true.

(Thanks to our Spanish edition for calling this story to our attention.)

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