Kinh caàu nguyeän cho vieäc Phong Chaân Phöôùc

Ñöùc Hoàng Y Phanxicoâ Xavieâ Nguyeãn Vaên Thuaän



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Kinh caàu nguyeän cho vieäc Phong Chaân Phöôùc Ñöùc Hoàng Y Phanxicoâ Xavieâ Nguyeãn Vaên Thuaän.


Thieân Chuùa ñaõ thöû thaùch ngaøi nhö "vaøng trong loø luyeän kim vaø ñaõ nhaän ngaøi nhö laø "hieán leã toaøn thieâu", chuùng ta coù theå noùi thaät söï laø "hy voïng cuûa ngaøi chöùa chan tröôøng sinh baát töû" (Wis 3:4-5). Moät nieàm hy voïng traøn ñaày Chuùa Kitoâ, traøn ñaày söï soáng vaø söï phuïc sinh cho nhöõng ai tin töôûng vaøo Chuùa. (Gioan Phaoloâ II)


Laïy Thieân Chuùa tình yeâu,

Chuùa ñaõ goïi vaø choïn Phanxicoâ Xavieâ Nguyeãn Vaên Thuaän laøm ngöôøi muïc töû nhaân aùi vaø traøn ñaày tình yeâu thöông trong cuoäc Löõ Haønh ñaày nieàm Hy Voïng.

Nhaân leã gioã laàn thöù 5 cuûa coá Hoàng Y Phanxicoâ thaân yeâu, chuùng con caàu xin Chuùa Thaùnh Thaàn vaø Ñöùc Meï La Vang, Meï chuùng con, ban nhieàu ôn phöôùc vaø soi saùng trong tieán trình xeùt tuyeân phong chaân phöôùc cho ngaøi.

Xin cho chuùng con bieát noi göông nhaân ñöùc vaø chöùng nhaân Tin Möøng ñích thöïc cuûa Ñöùc Hoàng Y, maø canh taân saâu ñaäm ñôøi soáng Kitoâ höõu cuûa chuùng con vaø toân vinh Thieân Chuùa trong ñôøi soáng cuûa anh chò em chung quanh. Chuùng con caàu xin nhöõng ôn aáy nhôø Chuùa Kitoâ laø Chuùa chuùng con. Amen.


Now that the Lord has tested him, as "gold in the crucible", and has accepted him "as a sacrificial burnt offering", we can truly say that "his hope was full of immortality" (cf Wis 3:4-5). It was full of Christ, the life and resurrection of all who trust in Him. (John Paul II)


Father of Love,

You called Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan to serve you and to shepherd your people in the spirit of truth and love on the journey of Hope to heavenly home.

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the passing of the beloved Cardinal Francis Xavier, we pray for the blessings of the Holy Spirit and of our Holy Mother - Lady of La Vang - upon the process of his beatification.

May his virtues and the faithful witness to the Gospel help bring forth a deeper renewal of our Christian lives and proclaim the glory of God in the life of our brothers and sisters. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan Foundation

"The Road of Hope"

P.O. Box 71700

Madison Heights, MI 48071, USA.




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