Giaùo Hoäi Vieät Nam vaø

Giaùo Huaán cuûa Giaùo Hoäi Veà Xaõ Hoäi


Prepared for Internet by Radio Veritas Asia, Philippines


Tham Luaän: Giaùo Hoäi Vieät Nam vaø Giaùo Huaán cuûa Giaùo Hoäi Veà Xaõ Hoäi.

Bangkok 25-27/01/2007


I. Tình Hình

1. Keå töø naêm 1975 ñeán nay (2007), Vieät Nam vaãn phaûi lo khaéc phuïc nhöõng haäu quaû cuûa cuoäc chieán keùo daøi nhieàu thaäp nieân, khoâng nhöõng veà cô sôû vaät chaát maø caû veà con ngöôøi: hôn moät trieäu thöông binh, hai trieäu treû moà coâi, hôn naêm trieäu ngöôøi taøn taät vaø hôn hai trieäu ngöôøi goaù buïa. Ñoàng thôøi Vieät Nam cuõng coá gaéng thoaùt ra khoûi tình traïng coâ laäp ñeå hoäi nhaäp vaøo theá giôùi toaøn caàu hoaù, mong baét kòp ñaø tieán boä vaên minh nhaân loaïi ngaøy nay.

2. Trong thaäp nieân vöøa qua, nhôø söï chuyeån dòch töø kinh teá taäp trung sang kinh teá thò tröôøng, ñôøi soáng kinh teá ñaõ gia taêng ñaùng keå; tuy nhieân söï phaùt trieån naøy laïi thieáu tính ñoàng ñeàu, thieáu tính toaøn dieän vaø vöõng beàn. Söï phaùt trieån nhö theá, coäng theâm vôùi tính chuyeân cheá töï maõn, tình traïng thieáu kinh nghieäm vaø thieáu chuaån bò thích ñaùng, ñaõ daãn ñeán nhieàu haäu quaû tieâu cöïc : laøn soùng di daân nhieàu trieäu ngöôøi töø noâng thoân leân thaønh thò, söï phaân hoaù giaàu ngheøo caøng luùc caøng lôùn, söï suy thoaùi veà maët ñaïo ñöùc, khuynh höôùng caù nhaân höôûng thuï ích kyû, vaø ñuû thöù teä naïn xaõ hoäi (gian doái, tham nhuõng, baïo löïc trong gia ñình, phaù thai, ly dò, maõi daâm, buoân ngöôøi, ma tuùy vaø dòch HIV/AIDS...). Taát caû nhöõng haäu quaû treân ñaõ laøm ñaûo loän traät töï nhöõng giaù trò caên baûn trong truyeàn thoáng ñaïo ñöùc cuûa gia ñình vaø truyeàn thoáng vaên hoaù cuûa daân toäc, goùp phaàn hình thaønh neàn vaên hoaù söï cheát, choáng laïi neàn vaên hoaù söï soáng vaø vaên minh tình thöông voán laø con ñöôøng ñích thöïc daãn ñöa moïi ngöôøi vaø moïi gia ñình ñeán söï soáng doài daøo, an laønh vaø haïnh phuùc vöõng beàn.

3. Döïa treân nhöõng lyù do veà lòch söû cuõng nhö tö töôûng, chính quyeàn Vieät Nam trong nhöõng thaäp nieân qua, coù thaùi ñoä khaù tieâu cöïc vôùi caùc toân giaùo; do ñoù caùc toân giaùo gaëp nhieàu khoù khaên vaø haïn cheá trong caùc sinh hoaït cuûa mình. Töø khi Vieät Nam chuyeån sang kinh teá thò tröôøng, tình hình ñaõ ñöôïc caûi thieän nhieàu. Giaùo Hoäi Coâng Giaùo khoâng coøn ñöôïc nhìn nhö moät theá löïc choáng Chaùnh quyeàn Coäng saûn, song ñöôïc coi nhö hôïp taùc vaøo vieäc xaây döïng vaø phaùt trieån ñaát nöôùc. Hoâm 25.1.2007, cuoäc gaëp gôõ giöõa Thuû töôùng Vieät Nam vaø Ñöùc Giaùo Hoaøng laø moät daáu hieäu baùo tin vui: Vieät Nam vaø Vatican ñang ñoàng haønh treân con ñöôøng ñoái thoaïi, caû ñoâi beân ñeàu toû thieän chí phuïc vuï cho söï soáng vaø phaåm giaù cuûa daân toäc Vieät Nam vaø daân Chuùa taïi Vieät Nam. Theá nhöng cho ñeán nay, vaãn coøn moät soá haïn cheá, caùch rieâng trong vieäc Giaùo Hoäi daán thaân vaøo caùc laõnh vöïc xaõ hoäi nhö giaùo duïc vaø y teá.


II. Ñònh Höôùng

1. Giaùo huaán cuûa Giaùo Hoäi veà xaõ hoäi laøm noåi baät nhöõng giaù trò laøm neàn taûng cho vieäc xaây döïng vöõng beàn moät coäng ñoàng nhaân loaïi môùi, nhö söï thaät vaø coâng baèng, tình huynh ñeä ñaïi ñoàng vaø tình lieân ñôùi, loøng yeâu thöông baùc aùi vaø xaây döïng hoaø bình...

2. Nhöõng giaù trò naøy phaûi laø chuaån möïc cho vieäc giaùo duïc con ngöôøi toaøn dieän vaø trong moïi laõnh vöïc: gia ñình, hoïc ñöôøng, coäng ñoàng xaõ hoäi. Thieáu söï giaùo duïc toaøn dieän naøy, löông taâm seõ bò leäch laïc. Ñoàng thôøi, con ngöôøi - vôùi phaåm giaù vaø nhöõng quyeàn caên baûn cuûa hoï - voán phaûi laø cuøng ñích cuûa söï phaùt trieån ñích thöïc vaø toaøn dieän cuõng nhö cuûa moïi cô caáu xaõ hoäi vaø coâng quyeàn, laïi coù theå bò bieán thaønh phöông tieän saûn xuaát vaø coâng cuï phuïc vuï cho nhöõng tham voïng ích kyû cuûa moät soá ngöôøi naém quyeàn haønh vaø theá löïc trong xaõ hoäi.

3. Giaùo Hoäi coù quyeàn vaø coù traùch nhieäm goùp phaàn xaây döïng xaõ hoäi loaøi ngöôøi. Nhöõng giaù trò neàn taûng ñöôïc neâu leân trong giaùo huaán cuûa Giaùo Hoäi veà xaõ hoäi chính laø cô sôû caàn thieát vaø vöõng chaéc ñeå döïa vaøo ñoù, Giaùo Hoäi ñoùng goùp phaàn cuûa mình vaøo vieäc xaây döïng xaõ hoäi daân söï treân neàn taûng söï thaät vaø coâng baèng, yeâu thöông vaø bình an, laø nhöõng giaù trò cuûa Tin Möøng cöùu ñoä.


III. Thöïc Haønh

1. Trong nhöõng naêm qua, giaùo huaán cuûa Giaùo Hoäi veà xaõ hoäi ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa vaøo chöông trình chính thöùc cuûa moät soá ñaïi chuûng vieän vaø doøng tu. Ñaây cuõng laø moät trong nhöõng ñeà taøi ñöôïc quan taâm trong vieäc thöôøng huaán linh muïc trong moät ít giaùo phaän.

2. Chuùng toâi mong muoán phoå bieán giaùo huaán naøy caùch roäng raõi hôn, ñaëc bieät ñoái vôùi hai ñoái töôïng sau: (1) caùc nhoùm tín höõu ñang tröïc tieáp tham gia caùc coâng taùc muïc vuï xaõ hoäi, (2) nhöõng ngöôøi tham gia vieäc ñieàu haønh ñaát nöôùc. Tuy nhieân vieäc laøm naøy cho ñeán nay coøn raát giôùi haïn.

3. Coâng vieäc tröôùc maét laø hoaøn chænh vaø phoå bieán baûn dòch cuoán Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church. Ñaây seõ laø neàn taûng cho vieäc huaán luyeän moïi thaønh phaàn Daân Chuùa, ñaëc bieät laø caùc Kitoâ höõu giaùo daân ñang coù maët trong nhieàu laõnh vöïc xaõ hoäi khaùc nhau. Hi voïng raèng hoï seõ trôû neân aùnh saùng vaø muoái men cuûa Tin Möøng trong moïi laõnh vöïc giaùo duïc, kinh teá, xaõ hoäi, chính trò, goùp phaàn tích cöïc vaøo vieäc phaùt trieån ñaát nöôùc caùch vöõng beàn, ñöa con ngöôøi vaø gia ñình ñeán cuoäc soáng thaät söï doài daøo vaø an laønh laâu daøi.


Gioan Bt. Phaïm Minh Maãn

Hoàng Y Toång Giaùm Muïc Giaùo Phaän Saøigoøn





Bangkok January 25-27,2007


Eminences, Excellences, brothers and sisters in Christ,

Let me share with you in few words on the situation in Vietnam, and what the Church in Vietnam is doing and is going to do with the Compendium of the Social Teachings of the Church.



1. Since the year 1975, Vietnam has had to overcome the consequences of a long-years war, not merely at material level but also at human level: over one million injured soldiers, two million orphans, over five million handicapped persons and two million widows. At the same time, Vietnam has tried to break out the isolation in order to enter a globalized world and speed up with the progress of the world today.

2. In the last decade, with the transition from a centrally-planned economy to a market one, economic life has considerably developed. This development, however, is short of equality, integrality and stability. Such a development - plus arrogant autocracy as well as lacking of experiences and available preparation - has caused many negative impacts on society: the exodus of internal migration of millions of families and young people, the fast growing gap between the rich and the poor, the sharp decline in morality, the individualistic and hedonistic way of life, and all kinds of social evil such as lie, corruption, violence, abortion, divorce, prostitution, women and children trafficking, drugs, and HIV/AIDS epidemic. All these negative consequences have overturned the basic values in the moral tradition of family life and the cultural tradition of the nation. At the same time, they contribute to create a culture of death against the culture of life and the civilization of love which is the true path leading us to abundant life and everlasting happiness.

3. Based upon historical and ideological reasons, the Vietnamese authorities in few last decades, have had a negative attitude toward religions in general; thus difficulties and restrictions for religious activities. Since the time of transition to a market economy, the situation has been much better. The Catholic Church is no longer viewed as a force against the communist government, but as a collaborator for the building and the development of the country. Yesterday, Jan. 25, 2007, the meeting of the Vietnam Prime Minister with the Pope is a sign announcing us good news: Vietnam and Vatican is walking on the same way of dialog, both sides expresses their good will to serve the life and the dignity of the Vietnamese people and the people of God in Vietnam. But up to now, there are still various kinds of restriction, particularly regarding the Church’s involvement in social fields such as education and health care.



1. Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church highlights the values that lay foundation for a stable building of a new human community such as truth and justice, brotherhood and solidarity, charity and peace....

2. These values must become the standard for an integral formation of humans in all areas of life: family, school, and society. Without this integral formation, moral consciousness will be aberrant. In addition, human being, with their basic rights and dignity, who must be the end of an authentic and integral development, could be turned into instruments for material production and egoistic ambitions of the powerful and wealthy in society.

3. The Church has the right and responsibility to make a positive contribution to the building of human society. The highlighted values in Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church must be the necessary and stable foundation upon which the Church makes her contribution to the building of a new society based on truth and justice, love and peace, which are the values of the Gospel.



1. In a number of seminaries and religious congregations, for the past years, The Social Teaching of the Church has been inserted in the formation program. It is also developed in the ongoing formation for priests in some dioceses.

2. We want to make this teaching more widely known especially for (1) the lay faithful who are involed in various social pastoral activities, (2) those who are in charge of social and political administration. This project, however, is still very limited.

3. The immediate task is editing and propagating the Vietnamese text of Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church, which is the foundation for the training of God's people, particularly those who are involved in social activities. Equipped with this teaching, we hope they will spread the light and salt of the Gospel into all areas of life: educational, economic, social and political, and they will be able to make a positive contribution to an authentic development that brings abundant life and lasting peace to all families and human beings.


John Baptist Cardinal Pham Minh Man

Archbishop of Saigon


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