Thö Ñöùc Cha Ñaminh Mai Thanh Löông

Giaùm Muïc Phuï Taù Giaùo Phaän Orange

gôûi Giôùi Treû


Prepared for Internet by Vietnamese Missionaries in Asia


Thö Ñöùc Cha Ñaminh Mai Thanh Löông, Giaùm Muïc Phuï Taù Giaùo Phaän Orange, gôûi Giôùi Treû.


Meán gôûi caùc baïn treû,

Ñaïi Hoäi Giôùi Treû Coâng Giaùo Vieät Nam.

What is Vietnamese Youth Convention (VYC) 2006.

Daáu AÁn Tình Yeâu Kitoâ - Bearer of Christ's Life.

Toâi haân hoan thaân göûi lôøi chaøo ñeán quí baïn treû töø khaép nôi treân Hoa Kyø cuõng nhö ôû mieàn Nam Cali tham döï Ñaïi Hoäi Giôùi Treû II vôùi chuû ñeà: “Daáu AÁn Tình Yeâu Kitoâ.”

Raát tieác vì Ñaïi Hoäi Coâng Giaùo caùc quoác gia AÙ Chaâu vaø caùc ñaûo treân Thaùi Bình Döông cuøng moät cuoái tuaàn, neân toâi khoâng gaëp gôõ caùc baïn ñöôïc. Tuy vaäy nhöng “xa maët khoâng caùch loøng!” Toâi seõ nhôù ñeán Ñaïi Hoäi trong kinh nguyeän.

Vaøo cuoái naêm ngoaùi, Ñöùc giaùo Hoaøng Benedictoâ XVI göûi ñeán theá giôùi moät thoâng ñieäp mang teân “Thieân Chuùa Laø Tình Yeâu.” Ñaïi Hoäi Giôùi Treû II naøy vôùi chuû ñeà “Daáu AÁn Tình Yeâu Kitoâ” --- thaät laø söï truøng hôïp nhieäm maàu: thö cuûa Cha Chung cuûa chuùng ta nhö laø moät lôøi môïi goïi, chuû ñeà cuûa caùc baïn khoâng khaùc gì laø lôøi ñaùp öùng.

Xin Chuùa Thaùnh Linh khai trí môû loøng caùc baïn ñeå thaät söï caûm nhaän tình yeâu Nhaäp Theå cuûa Ñöùc Kitoâ thuùc ñaåy caùc baïn daán thaân vaøo caùc sinh hoaït toâng ñoà taïi coäng ñoaøn mình.

Caùc baïn ñöøng queân ghi ôn ban tuyeân uyù, vaên phoøng toå chöùc, ban ñieàu hôïp, vaø caùc aân nhaân ñaõ goùp coâng cuûa ñeå taïo cô hoäi thuaän lôïi naøy cho caùc baïn gaëp gôõ Thieân Chuùa vaø gaëp gôõ nhau trong tinh thaàn lieân ñôùi ñoaøn keát yeâu thöông. Xin Thieân Chuùa qua lôøi caàu baàu cuûa Meï Maria ban cho caùc vò aáy luoân ñöôïc traøn ñaày ôn Chuùa.

Moät laàn nöõa, xin Thieân Chuùa chuùc laønh caùch ñaëc bieät cho quí baïn trong nhöõng ngaøy Ñaïi Hoäi Giôùi Treû II taïi UCLA vaøo cuoái tuaàn Leã Ñoäc Laäp 2006.

Thaân chuùc!


Ñöùc Giaùm Muïc Dominic Mai Thanh Löông


My dear young people, I would like to extend warm greetings to all of you who have come from across the nation to be here for the Vietnamese Youth Convention II with the theme "Bearer of Christ's Love."

I regret that I cannot join you in this special convention due to a prior pastoral commitment, however, that will not prevent me from being close to you in the spirit through prayer.

At the end of last year, Pope Benedict XVI issued the encyclical letter Deus Caritas Est ("God is Love") on Christian Love. VYCII with the theme "Bearers of Christ's Love" - is truly a mystical coincident: our Holy Father's letter is the invitation, and the theme of the Convention is your generous response.

May the Holy Spirit inspire each one of you to truly experience the Incarnated Love of the Christ, which will inspire you to pass on that same love to others in your community, especially the youth.

I join you in praying for those who have made this event possible by their contribution, that includes the priests, various committee members, and benefactors.

Once again, may God bless all of you for participating in the Vietnamesae Youth Convention II at UCLA in the 4th July weekend 2006.


Most Reverend Bishop Dominic M. Luong



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