Nhöõng hình aûnh trong vuï khuûng boá
ngaøy 11/09/2001 taïi Hoa Kyø
Prepared for Internet by Vietnamese Missionaries in Asia

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Moät ngaøy môùi, moät nieàm hy voïng môùi: AÙnh bình minh ñang toûa saùng treân baàu trôøi New York vaøo ngaøy 12/09/2001. Hai toøa thaùp cao cuûa Trung Taâm Thöông Maïi Theá Giôùi nay ñaõ nuùp boùng beân nhöõng toøa nhaø coøn laïi

A new day, a new hope: Dawn breaks over New York September 12, 2001. The two towers of the World Trade Center were previously visible looming over the buildings at left. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)


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