Nghe Bài Hát Chủ Ðề Ðại Hội Truyền Giáo Á Châu 2006 (Prepared for Intetnet by Vietnamese Missionaries in Asia) |
Go And Tell God's Love For Asian Mission Congress Based On Luke 1:47; 6:19 Bro. Brooncharat Suksawang 19/12/2005 Lux Mundi Seminary, Thailand
1. My heart fills with joy. My soul is filled with God's love, and eve-ry where I go, and eve-ry time I breath, for eve-ry thing I have, I know that you are there.
2. I will tell my friends 'bout the love you gave to me that wher-eve-r I go, or wher-eve-r I live. If you want to know God love us all, no mat-ter who we are!
3. Go and tell eve-ry-one, what you hear and see, what you touch and what you know. Je-sus Christ who we've met. Go and tell the world, tell A-sin's peo-ple that "God is al-ways here" Share His love, eve-ry-one in u-ni-ty with Je-sus Christ our Lord. |