Mother MotherÑöùc Meï Guadalupe
(Our Lady Of Guadalupe)

Nhöõng Bieán Coá Thôøi Gian

Lieân Quan tôùi Pheùp Laï Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe



Naêm (Year)

Söï Kieän  (Event)
1474 Moät ngöôøi thoå cö teân laø Quauhtlatoatzin ñöôïc sinh ra taïi Cuautitlan.
An Indian named Quauhtlatoatzin was born in Cuautitlan.
1476 Juan de Zumarraga ñöôïc sinh ra taïi Taây Ban Nha.
Juan de Zumarraga was born in Spain.
1492 Christopher Columbus ñaët chaân leân moät hoøn ñaûo ôû Chaâu Myõ vaø ñaët teân cho hoøn ñaûo naøy laø San Salvador.
Christopher Columbus landed on an island in the Americas and named it San Salvador.
1514 Ñeàn Thaùnh Ñöùc Meï ñaàu tieân taïi Taân Theá Giôùi ñöôïc xaây caát taïi thaønh phoá Higuey, luùc ñaàu chæ ñöôïc xaây caát sô saøi baèng ñaát.
The first Marian Shrine in the New World was established in the city of Higuey, first to be built on American soil.
1519 Hernan Cortez ñaët chaân leân Mexicoâ.
Hernan Cortez landed in Mexico.
1521 Thaønh phoá thuû ñoâ cuûa Aztecs bò thaát thuû bôûi phe Cortez.
The capital city of the Aztecs falls under Cortez.
1524 12 nhaø truyeàn giaùo Doøng Phanxicoâ tôùi Thaønh Phoá Mexicoâ.
The first 12 Franciscans arrive in Mexico City.
1525 Ngöôøi daân thoå cö teân laø Quauhtlatoatzin ñöôïc röûa toäi bôûi moät cha Doøng Phan xicoâ vaø ñöôïc ñaët Teân Thaùnh laø Juan Diego.
The Indian Quauhtlatoatzin is baptized by a Franciscan priest. He received the Christian name of Juan Diego.
1528 Tu Só Juan de Zumarraga tôùi Taân Theá Giôùi.
Friar Juan de Zumarraga arrives in the New World.
1529 Maria, vôï cuûa Juan Diego, bò beänh vaø qua ñôøi.
Juan Diego's wife, Maria, became sick and died.
1531 Naêm Ñöùc Meï hieän ra vôùi Juan Diego.
Year of the apparitions to Juan Diego.
1533 Ñeàn Thaùnh ñaàu tieân ñöôïc döïng leân.
The first sanctuary was erected.
1541 Nhöõng linh muïc Doøng Phanxicoâ vaø lòch söû thuûa ban ñaàu cuûa Taân Taây Ban Nha "Motolinia" ghi laïi raèng coù 9 trieäu ngöôøi Aztecs trôû laïi Ñaïo Coâng Giaùo.
Franciscan priest and early historian of New Spain “Motolinia” writes that some nine million Aztecs had become Christians.
1548 Juan Diego qua ñôøi.
Death of Juan Diego.
1555 Trong buoåi hoïp Hoäi Ñoàng, vò Toång giaùm muïc thöù hai cuûa Mexicoâ, Ñöùc cha Alonso de Montufar, hoaøn thaønh hoà sô giaùn tieáp coâng nhaän söï laï Ñöùc Meï hieän ra.
In the Provincial Counsel, the second archbishop of Mexico, Alonso de Montufar, formulated canons that indirectly approved the apparitions.
1556 Ñöùc toång giaùm muïc Montufar baét ñaàu xaây döïng Thaùnh Ñöôøng thöù hai.
Archbishop Montufar began the erection of the second church.
1560 Moät ngöôøi daân thoå cö teân laø Antonio Valeriano ghi laïi moät taøi lieäu ñöôïc ñaët teân laø Taøi Lieäu Valeriano Relation. Taøi lieäu naøy cuõng ñöôïc goïi laø Taøi Lieäu Nican Mopohua. (Khoaûng giöõa 1540 vaø 1580).
A document known as the Valeriano Relation is written by an Indian named Antonio Valeriano. Also known as the Nican Mopohua. (Between 1540 and 1580).
1564 Moät Böùc Töôïng AÛnh  ñöôïc chính thöùc tröng baøy laàn ñaàu tieân taïi quaàn ñaûo Philippine.
An image was carried on the first formal expedition to the Philippine Islands.
1567 Ngoâi taân Thaùnh Ñöôøng ñöôïc xaây döïng theo leänh cuûa Ñöùc toång giaùm muïc Motufar ñaõ hoaøn thaønh.
The new church ordered by Archbishop Montufar is completed.
1570 Ñöùc toång giaùm muïc Montufar göûi tôùi Vua Philip II cuûa Taây Ban Nha moät böùc sôn daàu töôïng aûnh Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe.
Archbishop Montufar sent to King Philip II of Spain an oil painted copy of the image of Guadalupe.
1571 Admiral Doria mang moät böùc töôïng aûnh ra nöôùc ngoaøi treân moät chieác taøu trong suoát traän chieán Lepanto vaø taï ôn Ñöùc Meï Ñoàng Trinh Guadalupe ñaõ giuùp cho chieán thaéng quaân Ottoman.
Admiral Doria carried a copy of the image aboard ship during the battle of Lepanto and imputed to the Virgin of Guadalupe the victory over the Ottoman Empire forces.
1573 Taøi lieäu "Primitive Relation" ñöôïc vieát bôûi söû gia Juan de Tovar, oâng ta vieát laïi caâu chuyeän döïa theo nhöõng nguoàn taøi lieäu ñaõ coù tröôùc ñaây, coù leõ laø töø baûn dòch cuûa Ñöùc cha Juan de Tovar, Giaùm muïc Zumarraga. (Ñöôïc tìm thaáy trong thö vieän quoác gia Mexicoâ)
The “Primitive Relation” was written by the historian Juan de Tovar, who transcribed the story from a still earlier source, probably Juan Gonzalez, Bishop's Zumarraga's translator. (Discovered in the Mexican national Library Archives)
1647 Böùc töôïng aûnh laàn ñaàu tieân ñöôïc ñaët trong khung kính.
The image is covered with glass for the first time.
1648 Linh muïc Miguel Sanchez xuaát baûn taïi Mexicoâ taùc phaåm "Böùc töôïng aûnh Trinh Nöõ Maria, Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe, Meï Thieân Chuùa". baèng tieáng Taây ban nha.
The priest Miguel Sanchez published in Mexico City, in Spanish, a work entitled “Image of the Virgin Mary, Guadalupan Mother of God”.
1649 Luis Lasso de la Vega xuaát baûn taùc phaåm "Huey Tlanahuicoltica", keå laïi caâu chuyeän baèng tieáng Nahuatl. Döïa theo nguoàn taøi lieäu baèng tieáng Nahuatl ñaõ coù tröôùc ñaây.
Luis Lasso de la Vega published the “Huey Tlanahuicoltica”, telling the story in Nahuatl. It refers to earlier Nahuatl sources.
1666 Töø ngaøy 18 thaùng Hai tôùi ngaøy 23 thaùng Ba, Giaùo hoäi baét ñaàu tìm hieåu vaø cho ñieàu tra nhöõng töông quan ñeå cho pheùp thi haønh theo caùc truyeàn thoáng.
A formal inquiry and investigation was conducted by the Church from February 18 to march 22 in order to give authority to the tradition.
1695 Leã ñaët Vieân ñaù ñaàu tieân cuûa Ñeàn Thaùnh môùi. Ñeàn Thaùnh ñöôïc long troïng daâng hieán vaøo naêm 1709.
The first stone of the new sanctuary was laid. The sanctuary was solemnly dedicated in 1709.
1723 Moät thuû tuïc ñieàu tra khaùc ñöôïc thöïc hieän bôûi leänh cuûa Ñöùc toång giaùm muïc Lanziego y Eguilaz.
Another formal investigation ordered by Archbishop Lanziego y Eguilaz.
1737 Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe ñöôïc choïn laøm Quan Thaày cuûa Thaønh Phoá Mexicoâ.
The Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe was chosen as the patroness of the city of Mexico.
1746 Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe ñöôïc chaáp thuaän  laø Quan Thaày cuûa taát caû nhöõng thuoäc ñòa cuûa Taây Ban Nha, vaø sau ñoù keå luoân caû moät vuøng roäng lôùn töø Baéc California tôùi El Salvador.
The patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe was accepted for all of New Spain, which then embraced the regions from northern California to El Salvador.
1746 Hieäp só Boturini Benaducci chính thöùc caát nhaác Böùc töôïng aûnh leân ngai toøa caùch troïng theå.
The knight Boturini Benaducci promoted the solemn and official coronation of the image.
1754 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Benedict XIV chaáp thuaän Thaùnh Quan Thaày cuûa Taân Taây Ban Nha vaø cho pheùp cöû haønh leã kính vaøo ngaøy 12 Thaùng 12.
Benedict XIV approved the patronage of New Spain and granted a Mass and Office proper to the celebration of the feast on December 12.
1756 Nhaø hoïa só tröù danh Miguel Cabrera xuaát baûn taùc phaåm nghieân cöùu cuûa oâng trong cuoán saùch "American Marvel".
Famous painter Miguel Cabrera publishes his extensive study of the Image in the book “American Marvel”.
1757 Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ Guadalupe ñöôïc coâng boá laø quan thaày cuûa caùc coâng daân Ciudad Ponce ôû Puerto Rico.
The Virgin of Guadalupe was declared patroness of the citizens of Ciudad Ponce in Puerto Rico.
1767 Tu só Doøng Teân bò truïc xuaát khoûi thuoäc ñòa cuûa Taây ban nha, vaø Böùc töôïng aûnh ñöôïc mang ñi khaép theá giôùi.
The religious of the Society of Jesus are expelled from the Spanish dominions, and the image is carried to various parts of the world.
1895 Vôùi söï cho pheùp cuûa Toøa Thaùnh vaø vôùi söï hieän dieän cuûa haàu heát caùc giaùm muïc cuûa Myõ Chaâu, Böùc töôïng aûnh ñöôïc daâng kính troïng theå taïi leã ñaøi.
Took place the coronation of the image, with pontifical authority and the attendance of a great part of the episcopate of the Americas.
1910 Ñöùc Thanh Cha Pius X coâng boá Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ Guadalupe laø Quan Thaày cuûa chaâu Myõ Latinh.
Pius X declared the Virgin of Guadalupe Patroness of Latin America.
1911 Moät Thaùnh Ñöôøng ñöôïc xaây döïng taïi ngoâi nhaø nôi cö nguï cuûa Juan Bernadino.
A church was built on the site of Juan Bernardino's home.
1921 Moät quaû bom ñöôïc ñaët beân döôùi Böùc Töôïng AÛnh noå tung laøm hö haïi khaù nhieàu, nhöng khoâng heà gì ñoái vôùi Böùc AÛnh.
A bomb placed beneath the image exploded, causing great damage, but nothing happened to the tilma.
1924 Moät taøi lieäu raát quan troïng vaøo theá kyû 16 ghi laïi nhöõng pheùp laï ñöôïc tìm thaáy ôû Peru bôûi nhaø khaûo coå M. Saville. Ñoù laø moät cuoán lòch tranh aûnh ñöôïc ñaët teân laø Codex Saville veõ laïi Böùc Töôïng AÛnh Ñöùc Meï vaøo khoaûng naêm 1531.
A very important 16th century source documenting the miracle is found in Peru by anthropologist M. Saville. It is a pictorial calendar known as the Codex Saville and shows the image of our Lady located in the position representing the year 1531.
1928 Moät Leã Ñaøi Böùc Töôïng AÛnh ñöôïc xaây döïng taïi Santa Fe, Argentina.
A coronation of the image was made in Santa Fe, Argentina.
1929 Moät taøi lieäu chuù daãn veà hình aûnh chieác ñaàu cuûa moät ngöôøi ñaøn oâng phaûn chieáu trong maét phaûi cuûa Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ, bôûi nhaø nhieáp aûnh Alfonso Marcue.
First documented note of an apparent reflected image of a man's head in the right eye of the Virgin, by photographer Alfonso Marcue.
1935 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Pious XI ñaët Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ Guadalupe laøm quan thaày cuûa Philippines.
Pious XI extended the patronage of the Virgin of Guadalupe to the Philippines.
1945 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Pious XII tuyeân boá raèng Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ Guadalupe laø "Nöõ Hoaøng cuûa Mixicoâ vaø cuûa toaøn laõnh thoå Myõ Chaâu" vaø baûo raèng Töôïng AÛnh Ñöùc Meï ñaõ ñöôïc veõ laïi "qua ngoøi buùt linh öùng chöù khoâng phaûi bôûi theá giôùi naøy".
Pious XII stated that the Virgin of Guadalupe was the “Queen of Mexico and Empress of the Americas” and that she had been painted “by brushes that were not of this world”.
1946 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Pius XII tuyeân boá Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe laø quan thaày cuûa Myõ Chaâu.
Pope Pius XII declared her to be the Patroness of the Americas.
1951 Carlos Salinas xeùt nghieäm böùc töôïng aûnh. Hình aûnh moät chieác ñaàu cuûa moät ngöôøi ñaøn oâng phaûn chieáu trong maét phaûi cuûa Ñöùc trinh Nöõ ñöôïc quan saùt.
Examination of the image by Carlos Salinas. Apparent reflection of a man’s head in the right eye of the Virgin observed.
1956 Tieán Só Torroela-Bueno, moät baùc só veà nhaõn khoa, xeùt nghieäm con maét cuûa Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ trong böùc aûnh.
Dr. Torroela-Bueno, an ophthalmologist, examined the eyes of the Virgin on the tilma.
1958 Tieán Só Rafael Torija-Lavoignet cho xuaát baûn taùc phaåm nghieân cöùu cuûa oâng, cuoán Purkinje-Sanson, ñöôïc trình baøy ñeå noùi veà Böùc Töôïng AÛnh Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe.
Dr. Rafael Torija-Lavoignet published his study of the Purkinje-Sanson effect as exhibited in the Guadalupan image.
1961 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan XXIII caàu nguyeän cuøng Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe laø Quan Thaày cuûa Myõ Chaâu. Ngaøi dieãn taû Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe laø ngöôøi Meï vaø laø ngöôøi Thaày Ñöùc Tin cuûa taát caû ngöôøi daân Chaâu Myõ.
Pope John XXIII prayed to her as Mother of the Americas. He addressed her as Mother and Teacher of the Faith to the peoples of the Americas.
1962 Tieán Só Charles Wahig, O.D. tuyeân boá söï khaùm phaù cuûa oâng veà hình aûnh phaûn chieáu trong maét cuûa Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ khi nghieân cöùu böùc Töôïng AÛnh vôùi ñoä phoùng lôùn leân gaáp 25 laàn.
Dr. Charles Wahlig, O.D. announces the discovery of two images apparently reflected in the eyes of the Virgin when studying a photograph enlarged twenty five times.
1966 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Phaoloâ VI göûi tôùi Ñeàn Thaùnh Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe moät Boâng Hoa Hoàng baèng vaøng.
Pope Paul VI sent a Golden Rose to the Basilica.
1975 Ngöôøi ta cho gôõ khung kieáng ra ñeå Tieán Só Enrique Grave, Moät baùc só nhaõn khoa khaùc, coù theå nghieân cöùu kyõ hôn veà böùc Töôïng AÛnh.
Glass was removed so the image could be examined by another ophthalmologist, Dr. Enrique Grave.
1976 Leã Thaùnh Hieán taân Ñeàn Thaùnh Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe, naèm caùch thaønh phoá Mexicoâ khoaûng 6.4 caây soá.
Dedication of the new Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, located four miles from central Mexico City.
1979 Tieán só Philip Callahan chuïp ra 40 böùc hình cuûa böùc Töôïng AÛnh baèng tia hoàng ngoaïi tuyeán. Sau ñoù keát luaän raèng böùc aûnh nguyeân thuûy laø moät böùc aûnh tuyeät vôøi khoâng theå giaûi thích noåi laø taùc phaåm cuûa con ngöôøi.
Dr. Philip Callahan takes 40 frames of infra-red photographs of the image. Later concluded that the original image is unexplainable as a human work.
1979 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan Phaoloâ II goïi Ñöùc Baø Guadalupe laø "Ngoâi Sao daãn ñöôøng Truyeàn Giaùo", ngaøi quyø tröôùc Töôïng Meï, caàu xin Meï giuùp ñôõ vaø goïi Ñöùc Baø laø Meï cuûa Myõ Chaâu.
Pope John Paul II called her the “Star of Evangelization”, knelt before her image, invoked her motherly assistance and called upon her as Mother of the Americas.
1979 Tieán Só Jose Aste-Tonsmann tuyeân boá ñaõ tìm thaáy coù ít nhaát boán hình aûnh cuûa con ngöôøi hieän ra trong caû hai maét cuûa Ñöùc Trinh Nöõ. Tieán só Tosmann duøng kyõ thuaät phaân tích sophisticate vaø ngheä thuaät nhieáp aûnh digital ñeå laáy aûnh caû hai maét.
Dr. Jose Aste-Tonsmann announces the finding of at least four human figures apparently reflected in both eyes of the Virgin. Dr. Tosmann used sophisticated image processing techniques with digitized photographs of both eyes.
1988 Ngaøy 12 thaùng 12 laø ngaøy leã kính Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe theo lòch phuïng vuï theo quy ñònh cho taát caû caùc ñòa phaän ôû Hoa Kyø.
The liturgical celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12 was raised to the status of a feast in all dioceses in the United States.
1990 Taïi Vatican, Juan Diego ñöôïc Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan Phaoloâ coâng boá laø vò Chaân Phöôùc.
Juan Diego was declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II at the Vatican.
1990 Ñöùc Giaùo Hoaøng Gioan Phaoloâ tôùi Ñeàn Thaùnh Guadalupe ôû thaønh phoá Mexicoâ ñeå cöû haønh Thaùnh Leã toân phong Chaân Phöôùc cho Juan Diego.
Pope John Paul II returns to the Basilica in Mexico City. Performed the beatification ceremony of Juan Diego.
1992 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan Phaoloâ II thaùnh hieán nhaø nguyeän daâng kính Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe beân trong Ñeàn Thaùnh Pheâroâ.
Pope John Paul II dedicated a chapel in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in St. Peter's Basilica.
1999 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan Phaoloâ II, trong chuyeán vieáng thaêm Ñeàn Thaùnh laàn thöù 3, coâng boá ngaøy 12 thaùng 12 laø ngaøy Leã kính Ñöùc Meï Guadalupe theo lòch phuïng vuï cho caû toaøn chaâu Myõ.
Pope John Paul II, during his third visit to the sanctuary, declared the date of December the 12th as a Liturgical Holy Day for the whole continent.
2002 Ñöùc Thaùnh Cha Gioan Phaoloâ II, trong chuyeán thaêm Ñeàn Thaùnh Guadalupe laàn thöù naêm, ñaõ cöû haønh Thaùnh Leã Phong Thaùnh cho Juan Diego.
Pope John Paul II, during his fifth visit to the sanctuary, canonized saint Juan Diego.

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"Let not your heart be disturbed. Do not fear that sickness, nor any other sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who is your Mother? Are you not under my protection? Am I not your health? Are you not happily within my fold? What else do you wish? Do not grieve nor be disturbed by anything."
(Words of Our Lady to Juan Diego)