Organized and directed by the Scalabrini Migration Center

In cooperation with the

CBCP Episcopal Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People


The project

Asia has been the site as well as an important region of origin of people on the move. Within East and Southeast Asia alone, some six million people live and work outside their country of birth. As a group, migrants face greater vulnerabilities compared with nationals. Living outside of their country of origin and confronted with an uncertain (if not hostile) reception in the country where they work, migrants encounter problems and challenges without as much access to support systems compared with non-migrants.

Churches in Asia have responded to the needs of migrants to the best of their abilities. Initially, such response has generally consisted in providing religious services in the language of migrants, mostly through missionaries already present in the Church, and by organizing forms of assistance for their various needs. Over time Churches have deepened the awareness that the care of migrants characterizes the way of being Church today. In his message for the 2001 World Day of Migration, His Holiness John Paul II expressed it well by calling the pastoral care of migrants "a way to accomplish the mission of the Church today."

In various forums, laypersons, religious and priests working with migrants and migrants' issues have expressed the need to know more about the various dimensions of the migratory phenomenon, the teachings of the Church on migration, and how to evaluate Church programs and personal experiences in the care of migrants. To respond to this request, the Scalabrini Migration Center, in cooperation with the CBCP Episcopal Commission on the Pastoral Care of Migrant and Itinerant People, is offering a program called "Exodus: A Formation Week for Pastoral Workers with Migrants in Asia." The program is envisioned to facilitate dialogue among missioners involved in the same activity in various countries, and in the process, provide an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the care of migrants and of being Church in Asia.  Resource persons will be drawn from the academe, the Church, and the NGO community to provide contextual information on the complexities of the phenomenon. However, the program will be participatory. Therefore, participants are expected to share their experiences and these will be an important basis for discussing programs and directions in the pastoral care of migrants.

Place and time

Exodus will be held at the Saint Joseph Marello Retreat House in Tagaytay, Philippines from 26 May-1 June 2002.


Contents and Scope

The program is divided into six modules:

            Migration in Asia today

            The teachings of the Church on migration

            The mission with migrants in Asia

            Specific issues on the care of migrants in Asia

            The care of all migrants

            Networking and directions in the care of migrants

Each day will have liturgy organized on migration themes, using relevant passages in the Scripture, and prepared by the participants based on their experiences.


Invitation to Apply

We are seeking participants who are actively engaged in the care of migrants in Asia: missionaries, lay missioners, religious and clergy preparing to work with migrants, migrant workers who intend to deepen their Christian involvement while abroad, and pastoral workers. Participants from other continents involved with Asian migrants are also welcome.

Interested applicants must confirm their participation by submitting the completed registration form (enclosed) on or before 1 May 2002.


Travel, Fees and Accommodation

Participants will be responsible for their travel expenses and accommodation arrangements prior to and after the workshop.  Materials and accommodation in during Exodus in Tagaytay will be provided for free.



Exodus: A Formation Week for Pastoral Workers

With Migrants  in Asia

26 May -1 June 2002

Registration Form



Title:                                                                             Sex:

Surname:                                                                      First name:

Institutional Affiliation:

Mailing Address:


Fax:                                                                              Telephone:


Please describe briefly your work with migrants:






Signature:                                                                                 Date:




Fr. Graziano Battistella, c.s.

Scalabrini Migration Center

4, 13th St. New Manila

1112 Quezon City


Fax: (632)-7214296

Email: smc@skyinet.net


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